Private Equity Funding

An Overview

Entrepreneurs need funding for various reasons to expand their existing business or convert the startup ideas into a business. In recent years, India has seen a boom in the startups across industries and sectors.

Funding can be required at any stage of the business for various reasons –

SEED Funding: This is an early stage funding when you have established a business plan and officially looking for an equity based funding to get your business started

Angel round: Sometime, this term is interchangeably used for SEED round, however, these are when you have started your business – formalised operations, initial revenues, etc. Angel rounds are one of the first investors in the company, generally individuals who are willing to get engaged when the requirement is small for certain equity or revenue sharing in the company

Venture Capital Rounds: These are when you have established your business and looking to expand it further. These are Series of rounds like Series A, B, C and need huge capitals for the growth of the business.

Fundings at any stage are required either to develop a prototype, set up the business officially, manage and grow high invebtories, customer acquisitions, sales and marketing, etc

If you are looking for a funding for your business, then click here and let STARTR assist you to get your funds